Monday, May 28, 2012

Lifted off the floor by consciousness

Swami Shailendra Saraswati tells Ila Sankrityayan about ‘yogic flying’ and its benefits
When we talk about collective consciousness,” explained Swami Shailendra Saraswati, during a lecture on Maharishi’s Technology of the Unified Field of Physics and Vedic Sciences at IHC, “it is similar to the sum of all functions performed by various organisms and cells in the body.”
He continued, “But each organ, be it the eyes, ear, nose and mouth, are separate, as far as their functioning is concerned. And cells perform roles that are equal to those of single organisms.”
Saraswati said, “If each individual attains deeper consciousness, it helps to attain that uniform field.” Swamiji was holding a session on ‘Yogic Flying’, which he informed us can, “only be achieved through Transcendental Meditation.”
He added, “The technique opens awareness to Transcendental Consciousness and the Unified Field of Natural Law, which is the basis of awareness.” According to him, here you won’t have to curtail your desires for materialistic things, but it will automatically have those desires fulfilled, by learning to function from a state of pure consciousness.
This is the potential of Natural Law. The mind gains increasing support of nature during the fulfillment of one’s desires.
“With this thought, action spontaneously become in accordance with the evolutionary power of natural law. Then one’s ability to function will increase. Moreover, this yoga will give you mental satisfaction.”
He began the yoga by sitting in sukhasana, eyes closed, placing both hands behind him.
“It may take at least two months or more to learn this yoga. The important thing, to remember, he said, “is your mind should be stress free while doing it. There should be no attempt to keep your body straight.” The process begins with the Rasayana Mantra. Reciting ‘Ram, Rahim.’ There syllable ‘R’ dislodges stress stick in the nervous system. It is recited first by speaking from the mouth and repeating in the mind. This is done for twenty minutes.
The later stage is when one recites eighteen sutras from Patanjali Yogic Sutra for another 20 minutes. “The last one, the ‘flying sutra’ is long and difficult,” Saraswati said.
The ‘flying technique’ resembled hopping in one place. The body was raised up and down.
According to him this helps  increasing intelligence, learning ability, creativity, and neurological efficiency. He shared that “a paper on The Scientific Research on TM, revealed that if one per cent of the population begins practicing this mediation, it reduces accidents and crime.”
During the first stage of yogic flying, the body lifts up and moves forward in short hops. And then, via that process, one experiences elation, lightness and ecstasy.
Through frequent practice, one can achieve a level of mental peace.
He added, “EEG (electroencephalography) studies show that during this practice, when the body lifts up, coherence is maximum in brain wave activity.
“Optimum coherence in brain functioning creates perfect coordination between mind and body. The effect is more, when yogic flying is practiced in groups. The influence of unity spreads in the environment, reducing negative tendencies and promoting positive ones.
“The impact was visible during 1983 when about 7000 people took part in a collective meditation session in Iowa. I was a part of it,” recalled Saraswati. “Collective consciousness gives the best result.”

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