“Thou shall not convert others.” “No conversion. Only Transformation. Then, discover your own religion.” will be a rule in Nithyananda Sampradaya (tradition), says His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) July 18, 2012
“Religious conversion is a conscious violence. It is unfortunate when people in poverty are exploited by converting them to another religion for the sake of bread and butter” said Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
On July 16th 2012, in response to a question about the contradictions and dilemma some seekers face to be on spiritual path with a living Master while following another religion, His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda said, “Don’t worry, have everything, whatever needs to drop by itself automatically will drop. I am only supporting seekers to discover. Do not have any conflict. Have both hand in hand and enjoy best things. At sometime what is more useful to the seeker will stand with them and what is not will automatically merge into the other one. Even if they don’t merge and are standing on their own, it is perfectly alright. Nothing wrong.”
He also declared, “Never ever in Nithyananda Sampradaya (tradition) anybody will practice religious conversion. In transformation one will not have pain. Religion is the love affair of one’s consciousness, one’s inner space and it is such a personal sweet experience. When one is forced to convert their religion then it is violence towards their consciousness itself.
We will not preach. We will help people to discover Vedic tradition. That is why in Hindu tradition there is no conversion. I have so much of love for Buddha, Mahaveera and so many Zen and Sufi masters. I have so much of love and respect for all of them. I read so many of their books, for my personal enjoyment. Personally I enjoy their words, their lives, their teachings, their expressions. So many Christian Masters have contributed to me, for example, Thomas Kempis and St Francis of Assisi.
To spread the Vedic tradition I was also supported, helped, encouraged and helped by many spiritual leaders and masters from many other traditions. All consciousness based religions, Vedic tradition, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Sufism, do not believe in conversion. It is my vision, to one day gather all these traditions which does not believe in conversion, and declare to the world, ‘No Conversion, Only Transformation’ as a law.
Let us not be violent as a human civilization. There are enough of violent conversions in human civilization. There are enough money mongers and power mongers who keep humanity in fear and poverty. We religious leaders should stop the concept of conversion.”
About Nithyananda:
His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda was recently appointed as the successor and 293rd pontiff of the world’s oldest most ancient and richest Hindu organization, Madurai Aadheenam. Earlier this year he was recognized as one of the world's top 100 most spiritually influential personalities of 2012 by the reputed esoteric magazine 'Mind Body Spirit' from Watkins.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda is a global leader in yoga, meditation,kundalini awakening,enlightenment science. Clear, dynamic and modern in approach, Nithyananda’s teachings have already transformed 15 million followers in 150 countries with the fastest growing spiritual community around the youngest incarnation.
His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda was recently appointed as the successor and 293rd pontiff of the world’s oldest most ancient and richest Hindu organization, Madurai Aadheenam. Earlier this year he was recognized as one of the world's top 100 most spiritually influential personalities of 2012 by the reputed esoteric magazine 'Mind Body Spirit' from Watkins.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda is a global leader in yoga, meditation,kundalini awakening,enlightenment science. Clear, dynamic and modern in approach, Nithyananda’s teachings have already transformed 15 million followers in 150 countries with the fastest growing spiritual community around the youngest incarnation.
For the original version on PRWeb visit:http://www.prweb.com/releases/prweb2012/7/prweb9711311.htm
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